Engineer , as an engineering practitioner, is the person who creates, designs, analyzes, manufactures, and tests machines, systems, structures, and materials to meet objectives and requirements while considering imposed restrictions by practicality, regulation, safety , and cost. The word engineer (Latin ingeniator ) is derived from the Latin ingeniare ("to design, compile") and ingenium "intelligence"). The basic qualifications of an engineer usually include a 4-year bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline, or in some jurisdictions, a master's degree in engineering discipline plus 4-6 years of peer-reviewed professional practice (culminating in a project report or thesis) and part of an examination of the technical board.
Engineer jobs form the relationship between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications for human and business needs and quality of life.
Video Engineer
In 1961, the Western European Society Technical Conference and the United States defined the following "professional engineers":
A competent professional engineer based on fundamental education and training to apply scientific methods and views on the analysis and solution of engineering problems. He is able to assume personal responsibility for the development and application of engineering science and knowledge, especially in research, design, construction, manufacturing, superintending, managing and in engineer education. His work was dominated by intellectuals and varied and not of routine mental or physical character. This requires the exercise of original thinking and judgment and the ability to oversee the technical and administrative work of others. His education will be like making him able to closely and continuously follow the progress of his engineering branch by consulting newly published works around the world, assimilating the information and applying it independently. Thus he is placed in a position to contribute to the development of engineering science or its application. His education and training will be such that he will gain a broad and general appreciation of engineering knowledge and a thorough insight into the special features of his own branches. In time, he will be able to provide authoritative technical advice and assume responsibility for directing important tasks at his branch.
Maps Engineer
Roles and skills
Engineers develop new technology solutions. During the engineering design process, the engineer's responsibilities may include defining problems, conducting and narrowing the research, analyzing criteria, finding and analyzing solutions, and making decisions. Most of the time an engineer is spent researching, locating, applying, and transferring information. Indeed, research shows engineers spend 56% of their time engaged in a variety of information behaviors, including 14% actively seeking information.
Engineers should consider different design options in their superiority and choose the solutions that best suit their needs and needs. Their important and unique task is to identify, understand, and interpret the constraints on a design to produce successful results.
Engineers apply engineering analysis techniques in testing, production, or maintenance. Analytical engineers can monitor production at the plant and elsewhere, determine the cause of process failure, and test output to maintain quality. They also estimate the time and cost required to complete the project. The supervisory engineer is responsible for the main component or the entire project. Engineering analysis involves applying scientific analytical principles and processes to reveal the nature and state of the system, device or mechanism under study. Engineering analysis takes place by separating engineering designs into operating mechanisms or failures, analyzing or estimating each component of the operating mechanism or failure in isolation, and re-combining components. They can analyze risks.
Many engineers use computers to produce and analyze designs, to simulate and test how a machine, structure, or system operates, to produce specifications for parts, to monitor product quality, and to control process efficiency.
Specialization and management
Most engineers specialize in one or more engineering disciplines. Many specializations are recognized by professional societies, and each major branch of engineering has many subdivisions. Civil engineering, for example, includes structural engineering and transportation and materials engineering including ceramic, metallurgical, and polymer techniques. Mechanical engineering intercepts almost every discipline because its essence is applied physics. Engineers can also specialize in an industry, such as a motor vehicle, or in one type of technology, such as a turbine or a semiconductor material.
Several recent studies have investigated how engineers spend their time; that is, the job tasks they do and how their time is distributed among these. Research shows that there are several major themes that exist in the work of engineers: (1) technical work (ie, application of science to product development); (2) social work (ie interactive communication between people); (3) computer-based work; (4) information behavior. Among other more detailed findings, a recent work sampling study found that engineers spent 62.92% of their time in technical work, 40.37% in social work, and 49.66% in computer-based work. In addition, there is a great deal of overlap between these different types of work, with engineers spending 24.96% of their time in technical and social work, 37.97% in technical and non-social, 15.42% in non-technical and social, and 21.66% in non-technical and non-social.
The technique is also a field of intensive information, with the results of research that engineers spend 55.8% of their time engaged in various information behavior, including 14.2% actively seeking information from other people (7.8%) and information repositories such as documents and databases (6.4%). %).
Engineers who spend time engaged in these activities are also reflected in the competencies required in the technical role. In addition to the core technical competence of the engineers, the research also shows the critical nature of their personal attributes, project management skills, and cognitive ability to succeed in the role.
Engineer type
There are many branches of engineering, each of which specializes in specific technologies and products. Usually engineers will have deep knowledge in one field and basic knowledge in related fields. For example, the engineering curriculum typically includes introductory courses in electrical engineering, computer science, materials science, metallurgy, mathematics, and software engineering.
When developing a product, engineers usually work in interdisciplinary teams. For example, when building a robot, a team of engineers will usually have at least three different types of engineers. An engineer will design the body and the actuator. An electrical engineer will design power systems, sensors, electronics, software embedded in electronics, and control circuits. Finally, a software engineer will develop software that makes the robot behave correctly. Engineers who aspire to management are engaged in further study in business administration, project management and organization or business psychology. Often engineers improve the management hierarchy from managing projects, functional departments, divisions, and finally CEOs of multinational corporations.
Engineers have an obligation to their public, clients, employers, and professions. Many engineering societies have established codes of practice and codes of conduct to guide members and inform the public at large. Every technical discipline and professional community maintains a code of conduct, upheld by members. Depending on their specialization, engineers can also be governed by special laws, whistleblowing, product liability laws, and often business ethics principles.
Some engineering graduates in North America can be identified by an iron ring or an engineer ring, a ring made of iron or stainless steel worn on the dominant little finger of a hand. This tradition began in 1925 in Canada with The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer, where rings serve as symbols and reminders of engineers' obligations to the engineering profession. In 1972, this practice was adopted by several universities in the United States including members of the Order of Engineers.
Most engineering programs involve concentration of learning in engineering specialization, along with courses in both mathematics and physical and life sciences. Many courses also include courses in general engineering and applied accounting. The design course, often accompanied by a computer or laboratory class or both, is part of the curriculum of most programs. Often, general programs that are not directly related to engineering, such as those in social science or humanities, are also required.
Accreditation is the process by which an engineering program is evaluated by an external body to determine whether applicable standards are met. The Washington Accord serves as an international accreditation agreement for an engineering academic degree, recognizing substantial equality in the standards set by many major national engineering bodies. In the United States, the post graduate program in engineering is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
In many countries, engineering tasks such as bridge design, power generation, industrial equipment, machinery design and chemical plants, must be approved by licensed professional engineers. The most frequently mentioned professional engineers are licenses to practice and are shown by the use of post-nominal letters; PE or P.Eng. It's common in North America, like European engineers (EUR ING) in Europe. Engineering practice in the UK is not a regulated profession but control over the degree of a chartered engineer (CEng) and an incorporated engineer (IEng) is governed. These titles are protected by law and are subject to the conditions prescribed by the British Technical Council. The CEng title is used in many Commonwealth.
Many skilled and semi-skilled traders and engineering technicians in England call themselves engineers. The growing movement in Britain is to legally protect title 'Engineers' so that only professional engineers can use it; petition begins to continue this goal.
In the United States, engineering is a regulated profession whose practices and practices are licensed and regulated by law. Licenses can generally be achieved through a combination of education, pre-examination (Fundamentals of Engineering Exams), examinations (professional engineering exams), and engineering experience (usually in the 5-year field). Any state test and licensed professional engineer. Currently, most states are not licensed by specialized engineering disciplines, but rather provide general licensing, and believe engineers to use professional judgments about their individual competencies; this is the preferred approach of the professional community. However, at least one of the tests required by most countries is actually focused on a particular discipline; candidates for licenses usually choose the category of examination closest to their respective expertise.
In Canada, technique is a self-regulated profession. The profession in each province is governed by its own technical association. For example, in the Province of British Columbia, engineering graduates with four years or more of post-graduate experience in engineering-related fields and passing exams in ethics and law must be registered by the Association for Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGBC) to become Professional Engineers and be awarded professional appointments P.Eng allows one to practice the technique.
On the Continent of Europe, Latin America, Turkey, and elsewhere, titles are restricted by law to persons with a degree of engineer and the use of degrees by others is illegal. In Italy, the degree is limited to people who have a bachelor's degree in engineering and have passed the professional qualification exam ( Esame in Stato ). In Portugal, professional engineers and accredited engineering degrees are regulated and certified by Ordem dos Engenheiros . In the Czech Republic, the title "engineer" (Ing.) Is awarded to persons with a degree (master's) in chemistry, technology or economics for historical and traditional reasons. In Greece, an academic degree "Diploma Engineer" is awarded after completing a five-year engineering course and a "Certified Engineer" degree awarded after completing a four-year engineering course at the Technological Educational Institute (TEI).
The perceptions and definitions of the term 'engineers' vary across countries and continents.
British schoolchildren in the 1950s grew up poking around in the fabled "Victorian Engineers," among them Brunel, Stephenson, Telford, and their contemporaries. In the UK, "engineering" has recently been laid out as an industry sector composed of entrepreneurs and employees who are freely called "engineers" who include semi-skilled trades. However, the 21st century view, especially among the more educated members of the public, is to reserve the term Engineer to describe a university-educated ingenuity practitioner who is represented by a qualified Chartered Engineer (or Incorporated). However, most British people still think of "Engineers" as skilled traders or even skilled traders at middle level with secondary school education. And the UK's skilled and semi-skilled trades their self-styled as "Engineers". This has created confusion in the public eye to understand what professional engineers are doing from repairing car engines, TVs, refrigerators to design and manage the development of airplanes, spacecraft, power plants, infrastructure and other complex technology systems.
In France, the term 'ingÃÆ' à © nieur' (engineer) is not a protected title and can be used by anyone, even by those who do not have an academic degree.
However, the title of "Ingà © à © nieur DiplomÃÆ'à ©" (Engineer Graduate) is an official academic degree protected by the government and is associated with "DiplÃÆ''me d'Ingà © nieur", which is one of the most prestigious academy titles in France. Anyone who misuses this title in France can be fined in large numbers and imprisoned, as it is provided for the French engineering graduate of the grandes ÃÆ' à © coles who provides intensive training in science and engineering. Among these institutions, the most famous (and the most difficult to get) are Ecole Centrale Paris (Centrale), Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines Paristech), Ecole Nationale Supà © rieir d'Arts et MÃÆ'à © tiers, Ecole Polytechnique, and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech. The engineering schools created during the French revolution had a special reputation among the French, as they helped to transition from a largely agricultural country in the late 18th century to an industrial developed France in the 19th century. Most of France's 19th-century economic wealth and industry proficiency were created by engineers who have graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris, Ecole des Mines de Paris, or Ecole Polytechnique. This also happened after World War II when France had to be rebuilt.
Before the "rà © à © forme Renà © à © Haby" in the 70s, it was very difficult to be accepted in such schools, and the French ing nà © nieurs were generally regarded as the nation's elite ( hence the term "faire les grandes ÃÆ' à © coles" in the parent language). However, after Haby's reforms and a series of further reforms (the French university's modernization plan), several engineering schools were created that were accessible with relatively lower competition, and this reputation as part of the French elite now applies to those from 'upper' schools techniques for engineers, ÃÆ' â ⬠° cole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) for managers or politicians and ÃÆ' â ⬠° cole Normale SupÃÆ'à © rieure (ENS) for researchers of science and humanities. Engineers are less highlighted in the current French economy because the industry provides less than a quarter of GDP.
North America
In the US and Canada, engineering is a regulated profession whose practices and practices are licensed and regulated by law. Professional licensed engineers in Canada and the United States are referred to as P.Eng (Canada) and PE (USA). A 2002 study by the Ontario Institute of Professional Engineers revealed that engineers are the third most respected professionals behind doctors and pharmacists.
In Ontario, and all other Canadian provinces, Engineer "title" is protected by law and the individual or non-licensed company using such title is unlawful, and may be fined. Companies usually choose not to use titles except for licensors for liability reasons, for example, if a company filed a lawsuit and a judge, investigator, or attorney found that the company used the word engineer for this non-licensed employee to be used by an opponent to hinder the company's efforts.
Asia and Africa
In the sub-continent of India, Russia, Middle East, Africa, and China, engineering is one of the most popular degree programs, inviting thousands of applicants to demonstrate their ability to enter highly competitive exams.
In Egypt, the education system makes the second most respected engineering profession in the country (after medicine); technical colleges at Egyptian universities require exceptionally high scores on the Secondary Certificate of Secondary Education (Arabic: ????????????? > al-Th? nawiyyah al-`? mmah ) - on the order of 97 or 98% - and thus considered (along with the colleges of medicine, natural sciences and pharmacy) to be among" college tops "( ????????? kull? y? t al-qimmah ).
In Filipino and Filipino communities abroad, good Filipino engineers or not, especially those who also have other work at the same time, will be handled and introduced as Engineer , rather than Mr/Mrs in speech or Mr./Mrs./Ms. ( G./Gng./Bb. in Filipino) before the family name. The word is used either in itself or before a given name or surname.
Corporate culture
In other companies and organizations, there is sometimes a tendency to belittle people with advanced scientific and technological skills compared to celebrities, fashion practitioners, entertainers, and managers. In his book, The Mythical Man-Month, Fred Brooks Jr. says managers consider senior people as "too valuable" for technical tasks and that management work carries a higher prestige. He said how some laboratories, such as Bell Labs, remove all job titles to address this issue: a professional employee is a "technical staff member." IBM maintains two ladders of progress; managerial and technical or scientific ladders equally equivalent. Brooks recommends that structures need to be changed; the boss should pay much attention to keeping managers and technical people interchangeable as their talents allow.
See also
- Building engineer
- Hold an engineer
- Unlimited Engineer
- Biggest Technical Achievement
- Technical history
- List of engineering branches
- List of engineers
- A list of scientists and fictitious engineers
- Washington Approval
Source of the article : Wikipedia