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Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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Nursing - Degrees & Programs - Undergraduate Admissions :: Andrews ...
src: www.andrews.edu

Nursing is a profession in the health care sector that focuses on individual, family, and community care so that they can achieve, maintain, or restore optimal health and quality of life. Nurses can be distinguished from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and the scope of practice. Nurses practice in many specialties with different levels of prescription authority. Many nurses provide care within the scope of physician ordering, and this traditional role has shaped the public image of the nurse as a provider of care. However, nurse practitioners are permitted by most jurisdictions to practice independently in a variety of settings. In the postwar period, nursing education has diversified into advanced and specialized credentials, and many traditional regulations and changing provider roles.

Nurses develop treatment plans, in collaboration with physicians, therapists, patients, patient families and other team members, who focus on treating diseases to improve quality of life. In the United States and the UK, advanced practice nurses, such as clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners, diagnose health problems and prescribe drugs and other therapies, depending on individual country regulations. Nurses can help coordinate patient care performed by other members of a multidisciplinary health care team such as therapists, medical practitioners and dietitians. The nurse provides interdependent care, for example, with a doctor, and is independent as a professional nurse.

Video Nursing



Nursing historians face the challenge of determining whether the care given to the sick or injured in ancient times was a treatment. In the 5th century BC, for example, Hippocratic Collections in places describes skilled care and patient observation by "helper" men, who may be early nurses. Around 600 BC in India, recorded in Sushruta Samhita, Book 3, Chapter V on the role of nurses as "different parts or members of the body as mentioned previously including the skin, can not be properly explained by unhealthy people experienced in anatomy Therefore, anyone who wants to gain a thorough knowledge of anatomy should prepare the corpses and carefully, observe, dissect them, and examine their different parts. "

Before the foundation of modern nursing, members of religious orders such as nuns and monks often provide treatments such as breastfeeding. Examples exist in Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist traditions among others. Febe, mentioned in Romans 16 has been described in many sources as "the first visiting nurse". These traditions are influential in the development of a modern nursing ethos. The modern religious nursing roots remain the current evidence in many countries. One example in Britain is the use of "sister" historical titles to refer to senior nurses in the past.

During the 16th-century Reformation, Protestant reformers closed monasteries and monasteries, allowing several hundred municipal hospitals to operate in Northern Europe. The nuns who had served as nurses were either retired or told to get married and stay home. Nursing care goes to the inexperienced traditional caregivers, who are rooted in the Roman Catholic Church, excluded from their positions. The nursing profession suffered a major setback for approximately 200 years.

19th century

Florence Nightingale laid the foundations of professional nursing after the Crimean War. His Notes on Nursing (1859) became popular. The Nightingale model of professional education, having established the first nursing school connected to hospitals and medical schools that operate continuously, was widespread in Europe and North America after 1870. Nightingale was also the pioneer of graphic presentation of statistical data.

Other important nurses in professional development include:

  • Agnes Hunt from Shropshire is the first orthopedic nurse and very important in the emergence of the orthopedic hospital The Robert Jones & amp; Agnes Hunt Hospital in Oswestry, Shropshire.
  • Agnes Jones, who founded a nursing training regime at Brownlow Hill shelter, Liverpool, in 1865.
  • Linda Richards, who founded a quality nursing school in the United States and Japan, and officially the first trained nurse trained in the US, graduated in 1873 from the New England Hospital for Women and Children > in Boston
  • Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton, an American pioneer teacher, clerk, nurse, and humanitarian, and founder of the American Red Cross.
  • Saint Marianne Cope, Sister St Francis, who opened and operated some of the first public hospitals in the United States, set a standard of hygiene that influenced the development of modern American hospital systems.

Catholic orders like Little Sisters of the Poor, Sister of Mercy, Sister of St. Mary, St. Francis Health Services, Inc. and the Sisters of Charity built hospitals and provided nursing services during this period. In turn, the modern deacon movement began in Germany in 1836. Within half a century, there were more than 5,000 deaconesses in Europe.

The formal use of nurses in the modern military began in the second half of the nineteenth century. The nurse saw active duty in the First Boer War, the Egyptian Campaign (1882) and the Sudan Campaign (1883).

20th century

Hospital-based training emerged in the early 1900s, with an emphasis on practical experience. The Nightingale school began to disappear. Hospitals and doctors see women in nursing as a source of free or cheap labor. Nurse exploitation is not uncommonly done by employers, doctors and education providers.

Many nurses saw active duty in World War I, but the profession changed during the Second World War. The British Army Nurse Army Nurse is part of every campaign abroad. More nurses volunteer to serve in the US Army and Navy than any other job. The Nazis have their own Chocolate Nurse, 40,000 strong. Two dozen nurses of the German Red Cross were awarded the Iron Cross for heroism under fire.

The modern era sees the development of undergraduate and post-graduate nursing degrees. The progress of nursing research and the desire for associations and organizations leads to the formation of professional organizations and academic journals. Growing nursing recognition as a distinct academic discipline is accompanied by an awareness of the need to define the theoretical basis for practice.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, nursing was regarded as a woman's profession, just as the doctors' profession was male. With the increasing expectation of workplace equality during the late twentieth century, nursing became a formally neutral profession, although in practice the percentage of male nurses remained well below the level of female physicians in the early 21st century.

Maps Nursing


Although nursing practice varies both through different specialties and countries, this nursing organization offers the following definition:

Nursing includes autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or healthy and in all settings. Treatments include health promotion, disease prevention, and care for the sick, disabled and dying. Advocacy, safe environmental promotion, research, participation in shaping health policy and patient management and health systems, and education are also key nursing roles.

Use of clinical judgment in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or restore health, to address health problems, and to achieve the best possible quality of life, regardless of their illness or disability, to death.

Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and ability; prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human responses; and advocacy in health care for individuals, families, communities, and populations.

The nurse's unique function is to help the individual, sick or healthy, in the performance of activities that contribute to his health or recovery (or peaceful death) he will do without assistance if he has the necessary strength, will or knowledge.

Nursing | College Choice
src: www.collegechoice.net

As a profession

The authority for nursing practice is based on a social contract that defines professional rights and responsibilities as well as mechanisms for public accountability. In almost all countries, nursing practice is defined and regulated by law, and the entrance to the profession is regulated at the national or state level.

The goal of the worldwide nursing community is for professionals to ensure quality care for everyone, while maintaining their credentials, codes of conduct, standards, and competencies, and continuing their education. There are a number of educational pathways to becoming a professional nurse, which varies greatly around the world; all involving an extensive study of nursing theory and practice as well as training in clinical skills.

Nurses care for individuals of all ages and a healthy and holistic cultural background holistically based on the individual's physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs. The profession combines physical science, social sciences, nursing theory, and technology in caring for such individuals.

To work in the nursing profession, all nurses hold one or more credentials depending on the scope of their training and education. In the United States, licensed licensed nurses (LPN) (also referred to as licensed vocational nurses, practically registered nurses) work independently or with registered nurses (RNs). The most significant differentiation between LPN and RN is found in the requirements for entry into practice, which determines the right to scope of their practice. For example, Canada needs a bachelor's degree for RN and a two-year diploma for LPN. Registered nurses provide scientific, psychological, and technological knowledge in the care of patients and families in many health care settings. Registered nurses can earn additional credentials or titles.

In the United States, some educational paths will qualify candidates to take the license exam as a registered nurse. Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is awarded to nurses who have completed a two-year academic bachelor's degree awarded by college, junior college, technical college, and bachelor's and university degrees after completing a course normally lasting two years. It is also referred to as Associate in Nursing (AN), Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS), or Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN). Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) is awarded to nurses who have earned a four-year American academic degree in science and nursing principles, awarded by a university of higher education or the same accredited school. After completing an LPN or RN educational program in the United States, graduates are eligible to take the license exam to become a nurse, which is required for a nursing license. The National License Examination (NCLEX) is a multiple choice test taken by the nurse to obtain a license. It costs two hundred dollars to take NCLEX. It tests the nurse's ability to properly care for clients. Study books and practice tests are available for purchase.

Nurses may follow their personal and professional interests by working with groups of people, in any setting, at any time. Some nurses follow the traditional role of working in hospital settings. Other options include: Pediatrics, Neonatal, Maternity, OBGYN, Geriatrics, Ambulatory, or Nurse Anesthetists. There are many other options that can be explored by nurses depending on the type of degree and education gained. RN can also pursue different roles as a registered follow-up nurse.

The nurse is not really a doctor's assistant. This may be in certain situations, but nurses more often independently care for their patients or help other nurses. Registered Nurses treat patients, record their medical history, provide emotional support, and provide follow-up care. Nurses also help doctors perform diagnostic tests. Nurses almost always work alone or with other nurses. The nurse will assist the doctor in the emergency room or in trauma care when assistance is needed.

Gender issues

Despite the rules of opportunity equality, nursing continues to be a women-dominated profession. For example, the ratio of male-female nurses is around 1:19 in Canada and the United States. This ratio is represented worldwide. Notable exceptions include the African Francophone, which includes the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Guinea, Gabon, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal and Togo, all of whom have more male nurses than women. In Europe, in countries such as Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Italy, more than 20% of nurses are male. In the United Kingdom, 11% of nurses and midwives enrolled in NMC are male. The number of registered male nurses in the United States between 1980 and 2000 has doubled.

The nursing industry is dominated by women, but there are male nurses in the profession as well. A study in 2011 showed that 91% of all nurses in the United States are female, and 9% are male. Although women are more common, male nurses receive the same pay. The highest percentage of male nurses was found as anesthesia nurse, rating of 41%.

About Nursing | BronxCare Health System
src: www.bronxcare.org

Nursing practice is the provision of actual nursing care. In providing care, the nurse applies the nursing care plan using the nursing process. It is based on a specific nursing theory chosen based on the care setting and the population served. In providing nursing care, nurses use both nursing theories and best practices derived from nursing research.

In general, the nursing process is the method used to assess and diagnose needs, plan outcomes and interventions, implement interventions, and evaluate the results of treatments provided. Like other disciplines, this profession has developed different theories derived from philosophical beliefs and sometimes diverse paradigms or worldviews to help nurses direct their activities to achieve certain goals.

8 Steps To Work In The U.S. As A Foreign-Educated Nurse
src: s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com

Activity coverage

Life support activities

Assisting in daily life activities (ADL) is a skill required in nursing as well as other professions such as nursing assistants. This includes assisting in patient mobility, such as moving the activity of intolerant patients in bed. For cleanliness, this often involves bathing in bed and helping to relieve urination and bowel.


Nurses do not have the authority to prescribe drugs, with some exceptions. All medications administered by the nurse must come from a prescription drug from a licensed practitioner. Nurses are legally responsible for the drugs they manage and there may be legal implications when errors in recipes and nurses can be expected to record and report errors. In the United States, nurses have the right to refuse the administration of drugs that are considered harmful to the patient. In the UK there are some nurses who have taken additional specialist training that allows them to prescribe certain medications.

Patient education

Patient families are often involved in education. Effective patient education leads to fewer complications and hospital visits.

Hondros College of Nursing | Reviews, Accreditation, Admission
src: nursection.com


Treatment is the most diverse of all health care professions. Nurses practice in various settings but generally nursing is divided depending on the needs of the person being treated.

The main population are:

  • community/public
  • family/individual throughout lifetime
  • adult-gerontology
  • pediatrics
  • neonatal
  • women's health/gender-related
  • mental health

There are also specialist areas such as cardiac nursing, orthopedic care, palliative care, perioperative nursing, obstetric nursing, oncology care, nursing informatics, telenursing.

Average Nurse Salary 2018 - Hourly Wages For RN's, BSN's, LPN's ...
src: gazettereview.com

Practice Settings

Nurses practice in various settings, from hospitals to visiting people in their homes and taking care of them at school to conduct research in pharmaceutical companies. Nurses work in occupational health settings (also called industrial health settings), clinics and free-standing doctor offices, nurse-led clinics, long-term care facilities and camps. They also work on cruise ships and in military service. The nurse acts as an advisor and consultant for the health care and insurance industry. Many nurses also work in the areas of health advocacy and patient advocacy in companies such as Health Advocate, Inc. assisting in a variety of clinical and administrative issues. Some lawyers and others work with lawyers as legal nurse consultants, review patient records to ensure that adequate care is provided and testify in court. Nurses may work on a temporary basis, involving shifting without contracts in a variety of settings, sometimes known as per diem nursing , nursing agents or travel nursing Nurses work as researchers in laboratories, universities, and research institutes. Nurses have also investigated the world of informatics, acting as consultants for the manufacture of computer charting programs and other software.

Nursing (2+2 Associate/Bachelor) | Mount Aloysius College
src: www.mtaloy.edu

Occupational hazards

Internationally, there is a serious shortage of nurses. One reason for this lack is due to the work environment in which nurses practice. In a recent review of empirical human factors and ergonomic literature specific to nursing performance, nurses were found to be working in generally poor environmental conditions. Several states and states have passed a law on acceptable nurse-to-patient ratios.

The fast-paced and unpredictable nature of health care places nurses at risk for injury and illness, including high job stress. Nursing is a very stressful profession, and nurses consistently identify stress as a problem related to the main job and have the highest level of work stress among them when compared with other professions. These stresses are caused by the environment, psychosocial stressors, and nursing demands, including new technologies that must be mastered, the emotional work involved in nursing, physical work, shift work, and high workload. This stress puts nurses at risk for short-term and long-term health problems, including sleep disorders, depression, death, psychiatric disorders, stress-related illnesses, and general illness. Nurses are at risk of developing compassionate and moral compassion, which can worsen mental health. They also have a very high work fatigue rate (40%) and emotional fatigue (43.2%). Scattering and fatigue increase the risk for illness, medical errors, and suboptimal treatment provision.

In the United States, the Occupational Safety Health Network (OHSN) is an electronic surveillance system developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to address health and safety risks among health care personnel, including nurses. It focuses on three high-risk and preventable events:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries from patient handling activities;
  • Slump, trip over, and fall
  • Violence at work

Hospitals and other health facilities can upload work accident data they have collected for analysis and comparison with other unidentified facilities, to identify and implement timely and targeted interventions.

Nurses are also at risk for violence and harassment in the workplace. Violence is usually done by non-staff (eg patients or families), whereas harassment is usually done by other hospital personnel. 57% of American nurses reported in 2011 that they were threatened in the workplace; 17% were physically assaulted.


There are a number of interventions that can reduce the dangers of nursing work. They can focus on the individual or focus on the organization. Individual-focused interventions include stress management programs, which can be tailored for the individual. Stress management programs can reduce anxiety, sleep disorders, and other stress symptoms. Organizational interventions focus on reducing the stressful aspects of the work environment by defining the characteristics of stress and developing solutions for them. Using joint organizational and individual interventions is the most effective way to reduce stress on nurses.

Nursing: What can I expect if I choose this profession?
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com



Catholic religious institutions have been very influential in the development of nursing Australia, established many Australian hospitals - Irish Sisters of Charity first arrived in 1838 and founded St Vincent Hospital, Sydney in 1857 as a free hospital for the poor. They and other orders like the Mercy Sisters, and in the care of the elderly Sisters from Mary's Small Company and Little Sisters of the Poor set up hospitals, nursing homes, research institutes and elderly care facilities in Australia.

A census in the 1800s found several hundred nurses working in Western Australia during the period of colonial history, this included Aboriginal female servants who looked after the weak.

State nursing licensing bodies incorporated in Australia in 2011 under the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Registration Authority) federal body. Several nursing licensing divisions are available and recognized throughout the country.

  • Registered nurses may initiate some oral drug orders with special competencies now included in the national curriculum but in-app variables by agency.
  • Registered nurses hold university degrees (registered nurses can progress to registered nurse status and earn credits for previous studies)
  • Nurse practitioners begin to emerge from graduate programs and work in private practice.
  • The mental health nurse must complete further training as an advanced mental health practitioner to manage client referrals under the Mental Health Act .

Australia enjoys the luxury of a national curriculum for vocational nurses, trained at a private TAFE or RTO college. Registered and registered nurses are identified by the immigration department as a field of work needs, although registered nurses are always in shorter inventory, and this increases in proportion to the specialization.

In 1986 there were a number of industrial actions rolling across the country, culminating when five thousand Victorian nurses broke down for eighteen days. Hospitals can function by hiring ordinary staff from each other striking members, but increasing costs force the decision to help the nurse

European Union

In the EU, the nursing profession is regulated. A profession is said to be governed when access and training are subject to the possession of certain professional qualifications. The regulated profession database contains a list of professions arranged for nurses in EU member states, EEA countries and Switzerland. This list is covered by Directive 2005/36/EC.


The nursing education program in Iran is similar to nursing education programs in other countries of several aspects. Holding a high school diploma and passing an entrance exam is required for admission in this course. Entrance examinations to state universities and Azad University are held separately. Course duration of the associate level of operating room and anesthesia is 2 years, the bachelor degree in nursing is 4 years and the master's degree in nursing is 2- 2,5 years and the PhD degree in nursing is 4-5 years.

Initially, nursing education programs are part of a medical education program. On the basis of this structure, the nurse follows the doctor's instructions without question. Currently, nursing education programs in Iran have grown and after 1992 considering community-based care, nursing education programs have also changed. Currently nursing education is held in 43 government nursing colleges and 63 nursing colleges from Azad University. State university students do not have to pay tuition, but at Azad University, which is a private university, students must pay the required fees. PhD degree programs are held only in state universities under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science.

Under the bachelor degree program, nursing students begin clinical work from the 2nd semester and graduate until the completion of the 6th term simultaneously with theoretical subjects. Provisions 7 and 8 are allocated for training programs. Currently nursing education programs throughout Iran are the same and are structured under the supervision of the Supreme Council of the Ministry of Health, Medical Care and Education. Nursing students take theoretical courses, training and internships in various parts of educational hospitals and hospitals affiliated with the university. Student learning, in the clinical part is done under direct supervision and guidance of nursing instructors, but in recent years, student activities are mainly undertaken under the supervision of nursing personnel and alternative supervision of nursing instructors.

Students, for many years of study have the opportunity to create relationships with patients in various sections, especially intensive care units and to achieve experience. Student progress in a clinical setting is from simple issues to more difficult problems. The current practical nursing degree and Associate Program Nursing degree has been canceled and the Iranian nurse must hold a bachelor's degree to work in Iran from an accredited university confirmed by the Ministry of Health.

Nursing Group in Iran

  • Nurse

The nurse is a person who holds a four-year college degree and carries on work related to the nursing profession including caring for patients, performing medical and medical services, education, research and managerial affairs. Currently every year 6000 people graduate in nursing degree programs.

  • Practical Nurses

A person who holds a nursing high school diploma and has completed a 2 year program in nursing and cooperates in nursing activities in the medical section under nursing supervision.

  • Nursing Assistant

A person holding a high school diploma and passing a short-term program for the implementation of the patient's initial care under nursing supervision.

  • Space Technician

These people are after obtaining a high school diploma and passing the university entrance exam and completing a 2-year program in charge of performing professional duties in the operating room to prepare the patient for the surgery and necessary cooperation with the surgeon during surgery. These people by passing the exam are eligible to continue college degree degrees in nursing.

  • Anesthesia Technician

These people after obtaining a high school diploma and passing the university entrance exam and completing a 2 year course in Anesthesia, are responsible for performing professional duties in the operating room in the field of anesthesia including preparing the patient for anesthesia and the necessary co-operation with the anesthesiologist at the time. operation. These people by passing the exam are eligible to continue college degree degrees in nursing.

  • Emergency medical technician

These people after earning a high school diploma and passing the university entrance exam and obtaining a technician diploma in the change of show affairs including providing first-aid services to patients and emergency victims resulting from motor vehicle accidents, explosions, debris, falling from a height, fractures, burns, poisoning, wounds, drowning, industrial accidents (cutting limbs), patients with heart disease and childbirth.

  • Master of Nursing

Nurses after earning a bachelor's degree and passing entrance exams are eligible to pursue studies in geriatric nursing, nursing children, medical surgical nursing, public health nurses, psychiatric nursing and nursing education. These people after graduation mainly become responsible for nursing education or medical section management. The duration of the program is 2.5 years. Currently every year 150 people graduate in a master's degree program in nursing.

  • PhD in Nursing

Nurses holding a master's degree after passing the admission exam, are eligible to continue their studies in PhD in Nursing. The duration of the program is 4 years and the graduates will primarily work in the education and research sections. Currently every year 20 people graduate in this program.

Nursing work in Iran

According to the present, about 120,000 nurses work in Iran in various sections. Most of them work in hospitals and health centers belonging to the Ministry of Health, Care & amp; Medical education. In addition, nurses work in hospitals affiliated with social security organizations, the armed forces, the private sector, and the charitable sector.

In the last years of independence, nurse activity was established in consulting offices and providing home nursing services. Nurses by establishing these centers can make consultants and care services to clients.

Currently to work as a nurse only holding an accredited academic degree is enough, but there are programs for nurses to take RN examinations after graduation.

Also, upon approval and implementation of continuous educational action, Iranian nurses must earn a score of 15 each year in various educational programs organized by the Department of Health Universities, Scientific Association and Nursing organizations. Iranian Nursing Organization (INO)

Having an independent organization that defends the rights of nurses and following up on nurse issues is a long-standing desire of Iranian nurses. Before the Islamic revolution in 1979, efforts in this regard ultimately led to the establishment of the Iranian Nurse Association and the activities taken in this regard. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, the association also canceled its activities and after that, some associations mainly with political and professional formations were established, but the main issue of nurses still existed. Gradually in 1994 with the efforts of the number of people who were mostly nursing students and faculty members, an early step was taken for the formation of a nursing organization. This initial core started its work on behalf of the Nursing Coordinating council with student instruction.

The Council has correspondence with the president, parliament speaker, ministry of health, medicine and medical education in relation to community nursing matters. Also this organization has correspondence with nursing colleges for unity across the country.

After this date until March 2001, a number of state seminars were held in various cities and finally on March 5, 2001, the generalization of the establishment of the Nursing Organization was included in the agenda of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, and finally approved in an open session in August. 12.2001. Finally with the provision of comments from the Guardian Organization in January 2002, the Nursing Organization Act has been approved by parliament.

The election of the first board of directors nationwide was conducted on Sept.20.2002 and 85 district board members were elected across the country by direct voting from nurses. The board of directors of the first Higher Organization, was elected on Dec.8.2002.

United Kingdom

To practice lawfully as a registered nurse in the UK, practitioners must hold current and valid registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board. The title of "Registered Nurses" may only be granted to those holding the registration. This protected title is set out in Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor Act, 1997. From April 2016, nurses in the UK are expected to re-validate every three years involving providing evidence of further development and active practice.

First and second levels

First-degree nurses make the most of the registered nurses in the UK. They were formerly known by degrees such as registered public nurses (RGN), ill-registered child care (RSCN), registered mental nurses (RMN) and registered mental nurses (for) mentally disabled (RNMH). The titles used today are similar, including registered adult nurses (RNA), registered nursing children (RNC), registered mental health nurses (RNMH) and registered nursing study difficulties (RNLD). Secondary nursery training is no longer provided; however, they can still legally practice in England as registered nurses. Many are now retired or undergoing a conversion program to become first-rate nurses. They have the right to call themselves as registered nurses because their registration is in Nursing & amp; List of midwifery Board nurses, although most call themselves as ENS or SEN.

Advanced practices

  • Nurse Practitioner - Most of these nurses get a minimum master degree, and a desirable postgraduate certificate. They often perform roles similar to doctors and physician assistants. They can prescribe medication as an independent or additional prescription, although it is still legally regulated, unlike a physician's assistant. Most of the TNs have the right of reference and admission to the hospital specialization. They usually work in primary care (eg GP operations), department A & amp; E, or pediatrics even though they are increasingly being seen in other practice areas. In the UK, the title of "nurse practitioner" is legally protected.
  • Community-specific public health health nurse - usually district nurse and health visitor, research and publication group.
  • Lecturers (also called practical education facilitators) - this nurse works well in the NHS, and at the university. They usually work for 2-3 days per week in each setting. At the university, they train nurses of pre-enrollment students (see below), and often teach in specialist programs for post-registration nurses
  • Lecturer - this nurse is not employed by the NHS. Instead, they work full-time at the university, both teaching and conducting research.


Many nurses who have worked in clinical settings for a long time choose to leave clinical nursing and join the NHS management ranks. This is used to be seen as a natural career development for those who have achieved environmental management positions, but with the advent of specialist nursing roles (see above), this has become an unattractive choice.

Nevertheless, many nurses fill positions within the NHS organization's senior management structure, some even as board members. Others choose to stay closer to their clinical roots by becoming clinical nursing managers or modern mothers.

Nurse education

Treatment in the UK


To become a registered nurse, one must complete a program recognized by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Currently, this involves completing a degree, available from various universities offering this course, in selected special branches (see below), leading to both academic awards and professional enrollment as registered 1st nurse. Such courses are 50/50 learning divisions at universities (ie through lectures, assignments and exams) and in practice (ie supervised patient care in hospital or community settings).

These courses are three (sometimes four) years old. The first year is known as the general foundation program (CFP), and teaches the basic knowledge and skills required by all nurses. Skills included in the CFP may include communication, observation, drug delivery and providing personal care to the patient. The remainder of the program consists of specialized training for selected nursing branches of students. This is:

  • Adult nursing.
  • Child care.
  • Mental health care.
  • Difficulty learning to breastfeed.

In 2013, the Nursing and Midwifery Board will require all qualified new nurses in the UK to hold a qualification degree. However, nurses who hold diplomas, or even nursing certificates can still practice lawfully in the UK, even though they are able to do university modules to earn enough credit to earn the degree.

Midwifery training has the same length and structure, but is quite different so it is not considered a branch of nursing. There is a shortened program (18 months) to allow qualified nurses in adult branches to register double as nurses and midwives. A 2-year short course also exists for other graduate disciplines to be trained as nurses. This is achieved by more intensive study and shortening of general foundation programs.

In 2016 student nurses in England and Wales can apply for government scholarships to support them during their nursing training, and may also qualify for student loans, although there is speculation that this will not be available in the future. Student nurses in Scotland are still accepting a standard of meaningless scholarships tested, and their tuition fees continue to be paid - however, they are not eligible for student loans.

Prior to Project 2000, nursing education was the responsibility of the hospital and not university-based; then many qualified nurses before this reform did not hold academic awards.

Post registration

After the initial registration point, there is hope that all qualified nurses will continue to update their skills and knowledge. The Nursing and Midwifery Board requires a minimum of 35 hours of education every three years, as part of the post-enrollment education and practice requirements (PREP).

There are also opportunities for many nurses to gain additional clinical skills after qualification. Cannulation, venipuncture, intravenous drug therapy and male catheterization are the most common, although there are many others (such as advanced life support), performed by several nurses.

Many qualified nurses with diplomas choose to upgrade their qualifications to a degree by studying part-time. Many nurses prefer this option to earning a degree initially, as there is often the opportunity to study in a specialist field as part of this improvement. Financially, in the UK, it's also far more profitable, because diploma students get full scholarships during their initial training, and employers often pay for degree programs as well as nurse salaries.

To become a specialist nurse (such as nurse consultant, nurse practitioner etc.) or nurse educators, some nurses conduct further training above the bachelor degree level. Master's degrees are on various topics related to health care, and some nurses choose to study for PhD or other higher academic awards. District nurses and health visitors are also considered specialist nurses, and to be like they have to do specialist training. This is a one-year full-time degree.

All newly eligible district nurses and health visitors are trained to prescribe the Nurse Formulary, a list of medicines and clothing that is usually useful to those who perform this role. Many of these nurses (and others) will also conduct independent and additional prescription training, which enables them (as of May 1, 2006) to prescribe almost all medicines in the British National Formulary. This has been the cause of much debate in medical and nursing circles.



Canadian nursing dates back to 1639 in Quebec with Augustinus nuns. These nuns try to open missions that take into account the spiritual and physical needs of the patient. The establishment of this mission creates the first training in nursing internships in North America. In the nineteenth century, some Catholic nursing orders tried to spread their message in Canada. Most nurses are women and only occasionally consult a doctor. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, hospital care and medical services have been improved and expanded. Much of this is due to Nightingale's influence. In 1874, the first formal nursing training program started at the General and Marine Hospital at St. Catharines in Ontario.


All Canadian nurses and prospective nurses are highly recommended by the Canadian Nurse Association to continue their education to receive a baccalaureate degree. They believe that this is the best degree to work toward because of better patient outcomes. In addition to helping patients, nurses who have a bachelor's degree will tend to make small mistakes because they have a higher level of education. The baccalaureate degree also gives the nurse a more critical opinion, which gives him more advantages in the field. This ultimately saves the hospital money because they are dealing with less problematic incidents. All Canadian provinces and territories except Yukon and Quebec require that all nurses must have a baccalaureate degree. The basic length of time required to earn a baccalaureate degree is four years. However, Canada does have a solid program that is two years old.

Specialized nursing certifications are available through the Canadian Nurse Association in nineteen practice areas. Some of these specializations are cardiovascular nursing, public health nursing, critical care nursing, emergency nursing, gerontology nursing, medical-surgical nursing, neurosciences nursing, oncology treatments, orthopedic nursing, mental/mental nursing, and rehabilitation care. Certification requires practice experience and passing exams based on competence for that specialization.

Public opinion

The Canadian nurse holds a lot of responsibility in the medical field and is considered important. According to the Canadian Nurse Association, "They expect the RN to develop and implement a multi-faceted plan to manage chronic illness, treat complex health conditions and help them in the transition from hospital to community." Canada also sees RN for health education and for strategies to improve their health.RN assesses the feasibility of new research and technology for patients and adjusts appropriate treatment plans ".



Treatment was not an established part of the Japanese health care system until 1899 with the Midwife Ordinance. From there, the Registered Nurse Ordinance entered into force in 1915. It established legal proofs for registered nurses throughout Japan. A new law aimed at nurses created during World War II: Nurse Health, Nurse and Nurse Health Nurse, was founded in 1948. It sets educational requirements, standards and licenses. There has been an ongoing effort to improve nursing in Japan. In 1992 the Nursing Human Resources Act was passed. This law creates the development of a new university program for nurses. These programs are designed to improve the nurse's education level so they can be more suited to caring for the community.

Nurse type

Japan only recognizes four types of nursing and they are Nursing Public Health, Midwifery, Registered Nurses, and Nursing Assistants.

Public health

This type of nursing is designed to help the community and is also driven by the public need. The goal of public health nurses is to monitor the spread of the disease, stay alert to environmental hazards, educate the community on how to care and care for themselves, and train for community disasters.


Nurses who are involved with midwifery are independent of any organization. A midwife takes care of a pregnant woman during labor and postpartum. They help with things like breastfeeding and caring for children.

Nursing Assistant

Individuals who are nursing assistants follow orders from registered nurses. They report back to the licensed nurse about the condition of the patient. The nursing assistant is always supervised by licensed licensed nurses.


In 1952 Japan established the first nursing university in the country. Associate degree is the only level of certification for many years. Soon people start wanting a nursing degree at a higher level of education. Soon a bachelor degree of Nursing (BSN) was established. Japan currently offers doctorate degrees of nursing at a number of universities.

There are three ways that an individual can become a registered nurse in Japan. After earning a high school degree, the person can go to a nursing university for four years and earn a bachelor's degree, go to junior nursing college for three years or go to nursing school for three years. Regardless of where individuals attend school they must take the national exam. Those who attend nursing universities have few advantages over those who go to nursing school. They can take national exams to become registered nurses, public health nurses or midwives. In the case of being a midwife or community health nurse, students must take a one-year course in their desired field after attending a nursing university and pass a national exam to become a registered nurse. University of nursing is the best route for someone who wants to be a nurse in Japan. They offer a broader public education class and they also allow a more rigid teaching style. These nursing universities train their students to be able to make critical and educated decisions when they are off the field. Doctors are people who teach potential nurses because there are not enough nurses to teach students. This increases the dominance that doctors have over nurses.

Students who attend nursing courses or only nursing schools receive the same degree as those who will graduate from nursing universities, but they do not have the same educational background. Classes offered at the nursing academy and nursing school are focused on a more practical nursing aspect. These institutions do not offer many public education classes, so students who attend these schools will only focus on their nursing education when they are at school. Students attending nursing colleges or schools have the opportunity to become a community health midwife or nurse. They have to go through a training institute for the field they want after graduating from nursing school or college. Japanese nurses do not need to renew their licenses. After they pass the exam, they have a lifetime license.


Like the United States, Japan needs more nurses. The driving force behind this need is the fact that the country is getting older and needs more medical care for its people. The country needs a quick nurse upgrade but things do not seem to be turning around. Some of the reasons that there are deficiencies are poor working conditions, increased hospital beds, low nurse social status, and cultural notion that married women quit their jobs for family responsibilities. On average, Japanese nurses make about 280,000 yen a month, and this is one of the higher-paying jobs. However, doctors make twice as many as nurses. Similar to other cultures, Japanese people view nurses as subject to doctors. They are considered a lower connotation and are often negatively associated with nurses. According to the article of the American Nurses Association in Japan, "nursing work has been described using negative terminology such as 'hard, dirty, dangerous, low pay, little vacation, little chance of marriage and family, and bad image'".

Some nurses in Japan are trying to be supporters. They promote better nursing education and promote the care of the elderly. There are several organizations that bring together Japanese nurses such as the Japan Nursing Association (JNA). JNA is not to be confused with unions, it's just a professional organization for the nurses. Member of the JNA lobby politician and produces publications on nursing. According to the article of the American Nurses Association on Japan, JNA, "works towards improving nursing practice through many activities including the development of policy research groups to influence policy development, ethics codes for nurses, and nursing practice standards". JNA also provides certification for specialists in mental health, oncology, and public health. JNA is not the only nursing organization in Japan. There are other subgroups that are usually categorized by nurse specializations, such as emergency nursing or disaster nursing. One of the older guilds associated with nursing is the Japan Medical Labor Union Federation, formed in 1957. This is a union that includes doctors and nurses. This organization is involved with the Human Resources Nursing Act .


  • In Taiwan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for nursing regulation. The Association of Taiwan Nurses Association (TUNA) is a union unit in Taiwan, struggling for nurses on payment and work time issues.

United States

In the US, the scope of practice is determined by the state or territory in which a nurse is licensed. Each state has its own laws, rules and regulations governing care. Usually the creation of these rules and regulations is delegated to the state nursing board, which carries out day-to-day administration of these rules, the nurse's licenses and nursing assistants, and makes decisions on nursing issues. In some states, the term "nurse" or "nursing" can only be used in conjunction with registered nurse practice (RN) or licensed vocational nurses (LPN/LVN).

At the hospital, registered nurses often delegate tasks to LPN and unlicensed auxiliary personnel.

RN is not limited to work as a bedside nurse. They are employed by doctors, lawyers, insurance companies, government agencies, community/public health agencies, private industries, school districts, outpatient operations centers, among others. Some registered nurses are independent consultants who work for themselves, while others work for large manufacturers or chemical companies. Research nurses conduct or assist in conducting research or evaluation (outcomes and processes) in many areas such as biology, psychology, human development, and health care systems.

Many companies offer flexible work schedules, childcare, educational benefits, and bonuses. Approximately 21 percent of registered nurses are union members or covered by union contracts.

Nursing is the nation's largest healthcare profession, with more than 3.1 million registered nurses across the country. Of all RN licenses, 2.6 million or 84.8% are used in nursing. The nurse consists of the largest single component of hospital staff, is a major provider of hospital patient care, and provides most long-term care of the country. The main line for professional nursing, compared to technical level practice, is a four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Registered nurses are prepared either through the BSN program; three-year associate degree in nursing; or a three-year hospital training program, receiving a hospital diploma. All take the same state license exam. (The number of diploma programs has declined steadily - less than 10 percent of all RN basic education programs - because nursing education has shifted from hospital-operated instruction to college and university systems.)

Education and licensing requirements

Diploma in Nursing

The oldest method of nursing education is a hospital-based diploma program, which lasts about three years. Students need between 30 and 60 credit hours in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, nutrition, chemistry, and other subjects at college or university, then move on to intensive nursing classes. Until 1996, most RNs in the US were initially trained in nursing by diploma programs. According to the 2000 Nurse Survey of the Resource Health Service only six percent of nurses who graduate from nursing programs in the United States receive their education in the Nursing Diploma School.

Associate Degree in Nursing

The most common initial nursing education is a two-year Associate Degree in Nursing (Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing), a two-year bachelor's degree referred to as ADN. Some four-year colleges and universities also offer ADN. Associate nursing programs have core and prerequisite courses (which may include English, Mathematics and Anatomy and Human Physiology) and ultimately stretch the degree acquisition process for up to three years or more.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

The third method is to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), a four-year degree that also prepares nurses for postgraduate education. During the first two years of the BSN program, students typically obtain general education requirements and spend the remaining time in nursing courses. In some new programs, the first two years may be replaced by an active LPN license along with the necessary general studies. Advocates for the ADN and diploma programs state that such programs have a job training approach to educate students, while BSN is an academic degree that emphasizes research and nursing theory. Some states require a certain amount of clinical experience for BSN and ADN students. BSN titles qualify holders for administrative, research, consulting and teaching positions that are not normally available to those with ADN, but are not required for most patient care functions. The nursing school can be accredited by the Accreditation Commission of Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Collegiate Nursing Education Commission (CCNE).

Graduate education

Further education in nursing is done at the masters and doctoral levels. It prepares graduates for specialization as a registered advanced nursing practice (APRN) or for advanced roles in leadership, management, or education. The clinical nurse leader (CNL) is an advanced generalist focusing on improving quality and safety outcomes for patients or patient populations from the focus of administrative and staff management. The doctoral program in nursing prepares students to work in nursing education, health care administration, clinical research, or advanced clinical practice. Most programs provide PhD degrees in nursing and Nursing Practice Doctors (DNP).

Nurse registered advanced practice (APRN)

Areas of advanced nursing practice including practitioner nurses (NPs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs), registered registered anesthetics nurses (CRNAs), or clinical nursing specialists (CNS). Nurse and SSP practitioners work to assess, diagnose, and treat patients in diverse areas such as family practice, women's health care, emergency care, acute/critical care, psychiatry, geriatric, or pediatrics; in addition, CNS usually serves as a facility to improve patients. caring, doing research, or as a staff of educators.

License checking

Completion of one of these three educational routes enables a graduate nurse to take NCLEX-RN, a test for licensed nursing, and is accepted by each country as an adequate indicator of minimum competence for new graduates. However, controversy exists during appropriate entry-level RN preparation. Some professional organizations believe that BSN should be the only preparation method for RN and ADN graduates should be licensed as "technical nurses" to work under the supervision of BSN graduates. Others feel the experience of working diplomas and graduates of ADN who make shortages in theoretical preparations.

Disadvantages in the United States

RN is the largest health care workers group in the United States, with approximately 2.7 million working in 2011. It has been reported that the number of new graduates and trained foreign nurses is insufficient to meet the demand of registered nurses; this is often referred to as a lack of nursing and is expected to increase for the foreseeable future. There is data to support the idea that nursing shortage is a voluntary deficiency. In other words, nurses leave caring for their own will. In 2006 it was estimated that around 1.8 million nurses chose not to work as nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 296,900 health jobs were created in 2011. The RN is the majority of the health care workforce, therefore this position will be filled primarily by nurses. BLS also stated that by 2020, there will be 1.2 million nursing jobs due to increased labor, and reimbursement. (Rosseter, 2012).


The International Council Of Nursing (ICN), the world's largest international health professional organization, recognizes the shortage of nurses as a growing crisis in the world. This deficiency affects the health of all people around the world. One of the many reasons is that nurses who pursue to become nurses do so very late in their lives. This leads to shorter work time. A national survey prepared by the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals in 2001 found that one in five nurses planned to leave the profession within five years due to unsatisfactory working conditions, including low wages, severe employees, high stress, physical demands , overtime is mandatory. , and irregular clock. About 29.8 percent of all nursing jobs are found in hospitals. However, due to reduced administrative costs, increased nurse workload, and rapid outpatient growth, hospital nursing jobs will experience slower growth than average. Work at home care and pant

Source of the article : Wikipedia
