The California Gold Rush (1848-1855) began on January 24, 1848, when gold was invented by James W. Marshall at Sutter Mill in Coloma, California. The gold news brings about 300,000 people to California from all over the United States and abroad. The sudden entry of immigration and gold into the money supply revived the American economy, and California became one of the few American states to go directly to the country without first becoming a territory, in the Compromise of 1850. The Gold Rush has a severe effect on the population native California and resulted in a drastic population decline from disease, genocide and hunger. By the time it was over, California had gone from a densely populated Mexican territory to the home country of the first presidential candidate for the new Republican, in 1856.
The effects of the Gold Rush are huge. All indigenous peoples were attacked and expelled from their lands by gold seekers, called "forty-niners" (refer to 1849). The first to hear confirmed information about gold rush were people in Oregon, the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), and Latin America, and they were the first to move into the country by the end of 1848. Of the approximately 300,000 people who came to California during the Gold Rush , about half arrived by sea and half came by land on the California Trail and Gila River trail; forty niners often face great difficulty on the way. While most of the new arrivals are Americans, the gold rush attracts thousands of people from Latin America, Europe, Australia, and China. Agriculture and livestock grown throughout the state to meet the needs of the settlers. San Francisco grew from a small settlement of about 200 inhabitants in 1846 to a boomtown of about 36,000 by 1852. Roads, churches, schools and other towns were built throughout California. In 1849 the state constitution was written. The new constitution is adopted by a referendum vote, and the first state governor and legislature in the future are elected. In September, 1850, California became a state.
At the beginning of the Gold Rush, no law on property rights in the gold field and the "disclosure claims" system was developed. Candidates take gold from rivers and river beds using simple techniques, such as panning. Although mining causes environmental damage, more sophisticated gold recovery methods are developed and then adopted around the world. New transportation methods are developed when steamers come to regular service. In 1869, railroads were built from California to the eastern United States. At its peak, technological advances reached a point where significant funding was required, increasing the proportion of gold companies to individual miners. Gold worth tens of billions of US dollars today has recovered, which caused tremendous wealth for some, although many who participated in the California Gold Rush earned a little more than they started.
Video California Gold Rush
The Mexican-American War ended on February 3, 1848, although California was a de facto American possession before that. The Guadalupe Hidalgo Agreement governs, inter alia, the official transfer of Upper California to the United States. California Gold Rush begins at Sutter's Mill, near Coloma. On January 24, 1848, James W. Marshall, a foreman working for Sacramento pioneer John Sutter, found a sparkling metal in the tailgate of a Marshall-built wooden mill for Sutter on the American River. Marshall brings what he found to John Sutter, and both test the metal personally. After the tests showed that it was gold, Sutter expressed anxiety: he wanted to keep the news calm because he was afraid of what would happen with his plans for the agricultural empire if there was a mass search for gold.
Discovery announced
Rumors about the discovery of gold were confirmed in March 1848 by a San Francisco newspaper publisher and merchant Samuel Brannan. Brannan hastily set up a shop to sell gold supplies, and walked through the streets of San Francisco, holding a gold bottle, shouting "Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!"
On August 19, 1848, the New York Herald was the first major newspaper on the East Coast to report the discovery of gold. On December 5, 1848, US President James Polk confirmed the discovery of gold in a speech at the Congress. As a result, people looking to profit from the gold rush - later called "forty-registries" - began moving to the Golden State of California or "Mother Lode" from other countries and from other parts of the United States. As Sutter worries, his business plans are shattered after his workers go looking for gold, and squatters take over his land and steal his crops and livestock.
San Francisco has become a small settlement before the busy life begins. When people learned about the discovery, it initially became the ghost town of abandoned ships and businesses, but then exploded when traders and new people arrived. The people of San Francisco rose rapidly from about 1,000 in 1848 to 25,000 permanent residents in 1850. Miners live in tents, wooden stalls, or deck cabins that are displaced from abandoned vessels.
Transport to California
In what is called "the first world-class gold invasion," there is no easy way to get to California; Forty-niners face difficulties and often die on the road. Initially, most of the Argonauts, as they are also known, traveled by sea. From the East Coast, sailing around the tip of South America will take five to eight months, and covers about 18,000 nautical miles (33,000 kilometers). An alternative is to sail to the Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Panama, take a canoe and mule for a week through the forest, and then on the Pacific side, waiting for the boat to sail to San Francisco. There are also routes across Mexico starting from Veracruz. Many gold seekers take overland routes across the continent of the United States, especially along the California Trail. Each of these routes has its own deadly hazards, from shipwrecks to typhoid fever and cholera.
Inventory and stuff needed
The supply ships arrived in San Francisco with goods to supply the needs of a growing population. When hundreds of ships were abandoned after their crew went to the gold fields, many ships were converted to warehouses, shops, taverns, hotels, and one to prison. Along with the expansion of the city and the new places needed to build, many ships are destroyed and used as garbage dumps.
Northern California Strike
Within a few years, there was an important but lesser-known miner spike in Northern California, especially in Siskiyou, Shasta, and Trinity County today. The discovery of the gold nugget at Yreka's current location in 1851 brought thousands of gold seekers up the Siskiyou Trail and across northern California.
Gold Rush era settlements, such as Portuguese Flat on the Sacramento River, sprang up and then faded. The Gold Rush Town of Weaverville on the Trinity River currently maintains the oldest Taoist temple still in use in California, a relic of Chinese miners coming. Although there are not many ghost-era ghost towns that still exist, the remnants of the once bustling Shasta town have been preserved at California State Historic Park in Northern California.
Gold is also found in Southern California but on a much smaller scale. The first discovery of gold, in Rancho San Francisco in the northern mountains of Los Angeles today, was in 1842, six years before Marshall's invention, while California was still part of Mexico. However, this first deposit, and subsequent discoveries in the Southern California mountains, attracted little attention and had limited economic consequences.
Custom expelled
By 1850, most of the easily obtained gold had been collected, and attention turned to extracting gold from more difficult locations. Dealing with gold is becoming increasingly difficult to take, Americans are starting to drive out strangers to get the most accessible gold left. The California State Legislature passes a foreign miner's tax of twenty dollars per month ($ 590 per month in 2018), and American prospects begin organizing attacks against foreign miners, mainly Latin America and China.
In addition, a large number of new entrants encourage Native Americans out of hunting, fishing, and collecting their traditional food. To protect their homes and livelihoods, some Native Americans responded by attacking the miners. This provoked a counterattack in indigenous villages. Native Americans, who were shot dead, were often slaughtered. Those who escaped the massacre many times can not survive without access to their food collection, and they starve to death. Novelist and poet Joaquin Miller clearly captures one such attack in his semi-autobiographical work, Life Amongst the Modocs.
Previous gold discovery
The first gold found in California was made on March 9, 1842. Francisco Lopez, a native of California, was looking for a wild horse. He stopped by a small river in what became known as Placerita Canyon, about 3 miles (4.8 km) east of Newhall today, California, and about 35 miles (56 km) northwest of Los Angeles. While the horses grazed, Lopez dug some wild onions and found a small gold nugget at the root between the onion bulbs. He looked further and found more gold.
Lopez brings the gold to the authorities who confirm its value. Lopez and the others start looking for other steambeds with gold deposits in the area. They found some in the northeastern part of the forest, in the Ventura area now. In 1843 he found gold in San Feliciano Canyon near his first discovery. Mexican miners from Sonora worked placer deposits until 1846, when Californios began anxious for independence from Mexico, and Rebellion of the Bear Flag caused many Mexicans to leave California.
Maps California Gold Rush
The first hurry to the gold field, which began in the spring of 1848, was the inhabitants of California itself - mainly agriculturally oriented Americans and Europeans living in Northern California, along with Native Americans and some Californios (Spanish-speaking Californian people). These first miners tend to be families where everyone helps in that endeavor. Women and children of all ethnicity are often found panning in addition to men. Some enterprising families set up boarding houses to accommodate the entry of men; in such cases, women often earn a steady income while their husbands seek gold.
The word Gold Rush spreads slowly at first. The earliest gold finders are people living near California or people who hear news from ships on California's fastest shipping route. The first large group of Americans who arrived were several thousand Oregon people who came to Siskiyou Trail. Next came the people of the Sandwich Islands, and several thousand Latin Americans, including those from Mexico, from Peru and from as far away as Chile, both by ship and ashore. By the end of 1848, about 6,000 Argonauts came to California.
Only a small number (maybe less than 500) traveled overland from the United States that year. Some of these "forty-eight", as the earliest gold seekers are sometimes called, are able to accumulate large amounts of easily accessible gold - in some cases, thousands of dollars is worth every day. Even the average gold miner every day is worth 10 to 15 times the wage of laborers on the East Coast. A person can work for six months in a gold field and find a salary equivalent to six years at home. Some hope to get rich quick and get back home, and others want to start a business in California.
In early 1849, news of Gold Rush had spread throughout the world, and a large number of gold seekers and merchants began to arrive from almost every continent. The largest group of forty-niners in 1849 was American, arriving with tens of thousands of land across the continent and along various sailing routes (the name "forty-niner" dates from 1849). Many of the East Coast negotiate the Appalachian Mountains crossings, take river boats in Pennsylvania, fence off the hull to the River Missouri railway assembly port, and then travel by wagon train along the California Trail. Many others come through Isthmus Panama and steamers from the Steam Pacific Mail Company. Australians and New Zealanders picked up news from ships carrying Hawaiian newspapers, and thousands, infected with a "gold rush", boarded a boat for California.
Forty niners are from Latin America, mainly from the Mexican mining district near Sonora and Chile. Goldmakers and merchants from Asia, mainly from China, began arriving in 1849, initially in small quantities to Gum San ("Golden Mountain"), a name given to California in Chinese. The first immigrants from Europe, who escaped the effects of the 1848 Revolution and with further travel distances, began arriving in late 1849, mostly from France, with some Germans, Italians and British.
It is estimated that about 90,000 people arrived in California in 1849 - about half of them by land and half by sea. Of these, perhaps 50,000 to 60,000 Americans, and the rest come from other countries. In 1855, it was estimated at least 300,000 gold seekers, merchants, and other immigrants had arrived in California from around the world. The largest groups continue to be Americans, but there are tens of thousands of Mexicans, Chinese, English, Australians, French, and Latin Americans, along with many smaller miner groups, such as Africa America, Philippines, Basque and Turkey.
People from small villages in the hills near Genova, Italy were among the first to settle permanently in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada; they bring traditional farming skills, developed to survive in winter. A small number of African miners (probably less than 4,000) are from South America, the Caribbean and Brazil.
A number of immigrants come from China. Several hundred Chinese arrived in California in 1849 and 1850, and in 1852 more than 20,000 people landed in San Francisco. Their distinctive gowns and looks are well known in the gold fields. Chinese miners are suffering, violent racism from white miners who aim at their frustration at strangers. To this day, there is no justice for the known victims. Further hostility towards China led to laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Law and Foreign Minerals Tax.
There are also women in the Gold Rush. However, their numbers are small. Of the 40,000 who arrived by boat at the port of San Francisco in 1849, only 700 women. They hold various roles including prostitutes, single entrepreneurs, married women, poor and wealthy women. They are of various ethnicities including Anglo-American, African-American, Hispanic, Genuine, European, Chinese, and Jewish. Their reasons come vary: some come with their husbands, refuse to be left to take care of themselves, some come because their husbands are sent for them, and others come (singles and widows) for adventures and economic opportunities. On the street many people died from accidents, cholera, fever, and various other causes, and many women became widows before even staring at California. While in California, women become widows fairly often due to mining, diseases, or mining disputes from their husbands. Life in the gold field offers an opportunity for women to break away from their traditional jobs.
Homosexuality in San Francisco
Described as a "bachelor city", the number of disproportionate men for women in San Francisco creates an environment where homosexuality and gay culture flourish. Barbary Coast is a district where men go gambling, "satisfy their sexual desires", and pay for sex with women or female impersonators.
Legal rights
When the Gold Rush begins, California's gold fields are specifically places without law. When gold was discovered at Sutter Mill, California was technically still part of Mexico, under American military occupation as a result of the Mexican-American War. With the signing of an agreement ending the war on February 2, 1848, California belonged to the United States, but it was not a formal "territory" and did not become a state until September 9, 1850. California was in exceptional condition of a territory under military control. There is no civic, executive or judicial legislature for the whole region. The locals operate under a mixture of confusing and changing Mexican rules, American principles, and personal orders. Weak federal law enforcement, like the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, encourages the arrival of free blacks and runaway slaves.
While the treaty ending the Mexican-American War obliges the United States to honor Mexico's land grant, almost all the gold fields are beyond the grant. In contrast, gold fields are mainly in "public land", which means land officially owned by the United States government. However, no legal rule exists, and there is no practical implementation mechanism.
The benefit for forty people is that gold is "free to take" at first. In the goldfield at the beginning, there is no private property, no license fees, and no taxes. Miners informally adapt Mexican mining laws that already exist in California. For example, rules seek to balance the rights of people who arrive early on a site with future arrivals; "claims" can be "spied on" by a candidate, but the claim is valid only for as long as it is actively working.
Miners work on claims just long enough to determine their potential. If the claim is considered low-value - because most - miners will leave the site to find better. In cases where claims are abandoned or not worked out, other miners will "claim-jump" the land. "Claim leap" means that the miners start working on a previously claimed site. Disputes are often handled privately and roughly, and are sometimes handled by groups of miners who act as arbitrators. This often causes increased ethnic tension. In some areas, the inclusion of many prospectors can lead to a reduction in the size of existing claims with modest pressure.
Development of gold recovery techniques
Four hundred million years ago, California lay on the ocean floor; undersea volcanoes store lava and minerals (including gold) to the seafloor. With tectonic strength, these minerals and rocks get to the surface of the Sierra Nevada, and are eroded. The water brings the gold carried downstream and deposits it in a quiet pebble bed along the side of the river and the old river. Forty people first concentrated their efforts on this gold deposit.
Because gold in gravel beds in California is highly concentrated, early 40s-niners can take gold flakes and nuggets with their hands, or simply "pans" for gold in rivers and streams. However, panning can not be done on a large scale, and the active miners and mining groups pass to mine, using "cradle" and "rocker" or "long-tom" to cultivate larger gravel volumes. Miners will also be involved in "coyoteing", a method involving excavation of the shaft 6 to 13 meters (20 to 43 feet) deep into the placer deposits along the river. The tunnels are then dug in all directions to reach the most affluent veins.
In the most complex placer mine, the miners group diverts water from all the rivers to the water gate along the river, and then digs gold in the freshly exposed river bed. Modern estimates by the US Geological Survey are that about 12 million ounces (370 t) of gold have been removed in the first five years of Gold Rush (worth more than US $ 16 billion at December 2010 prices).
In the next stage, in 1853, hydraulic mining was used on an ancient golden gravel bed on a hillside and a cliff in a gold field. In the modern style of hydraulic mining that was first developed in California, and then used throughout the world, high-pressure hose is directed to a strong stream or water jet on a bed of gold-bearing pebbles. The loosened gravel and gold will then pass through the sluice gate, with gold settling to the bottom where it is collected. By the mid-1880s, it was estimated that 11 million ounces (340Ã, t) of gold (worth about US $ 15 billion at December 2010 prices) had been discovered by "hydraulics".
The byproduct of this method of extraction is that large quantities of gravel, silt, heavy metal, and other pollutants flow into rivers and streams. In 1999 many areas still bear the traces of hydraulic mining, since the resulting earth and downstream gravel deposits do not support plant life.
After the Gold Rush is complete, the gold recovery operation continues. The final stage to recover loose gold is the prospect of gold being slowly washed into the flat river bed and mound of California Central Valley and other gold areas in California (such as Scott Valley in Siskiyou County). By the late 1890s, dredging technology (also found in California) had become economical, and it was estimated that over 20 million ounces (620 Â °) had been discovered by dredging (worth about US $ 28 billion at December 2010 prices).
Both during the Gold Rush and in subsequent decades, gold seekers are also involved in "hard-rock" mining, that is, extracting gold directly from a rock containing (usually quartz), usually by digging and blowing to follow and remove the veins from quartz which contains gold. In 1851, quartz mining had become Coloma's main industry. Once the gold-bearing rocks are brought to the surface, the stones are destroyed and gold separated, either using separation in water, using the difference in density from quartz sand, or by washing the sand on copper plates lined with mercury (with golden shapes an amalgam ). The loss of mercury in the amalgamation process is a source of environmental pollution. Finally, hard-rock mining eventually became the largest gold source produced in the Golden Country. Total gold production in California has since been estimated at 118 million ounces (3700 t).
The latest scholarship asserts that traders make more money than miners during the Gold Rush. The richest man in California during his early years was Samuel Brannan, a tireless self-promoter, shopkeeper and newspaper publisher. Brannan opened the first supply shop in Sacramento, Coloma, and elsewhere in the gold field. Just like in a hurry, he bought all of the prospecting supplies available in San Francisco and resold them with huge profits.
Some gold seekers make huge sums of money. On average, half the gold seekers make a modest profit, after taking into account all costs; economic historians have suggested that white miners are more successful than black miners, Indians, or Chinese. However, taxes such as California's overseas miners taxes were passed in 1851, targeted mainly by Latin miners and prevented them from making as much money as whites, who did not charge any taxes. In California, most late arrivals make little or lose money. Likewise, many unfortunate merchants are established in lost settlements, or who surrender to one of the devastating fires that sweep over the emerging cities. Instead, a successful businessman was Levi Strauss, who first began selling overalls denim in San Francisco in 1853.
Other entrepreneurs reap great rewards at retail, shipping, entertainment, lodging, or transportation. Dormitory, food preparation, sewing, and laundry are very lucrative businesses that are often run by women (married, single, or widowed) who realize that men will pay well for services performed by a woman. Brothels also bring huge benefits, especially when combined with salons and game homes.
By 1855, the economic climate had changed dramatically. Gold can be taken advantageously from gold fields only by a group of middle to large workers, either in partnership or as an employee. In the mid-1850s, the owners of this gold mining company made money. Also, California's population and economy have become quite large and diverse so that money can be made in a variety of conventional businesses.
Golden Path
Once extracted, gold itself takes many paths. First, most of the gold is used locally to buy food, supplies and lodging for miners. It also leads to entertainment, which consists of everything from theaters to alcohol, gambling, and prostitutes. These transactions often occur by using newly recovered gold, carefully weighed. These traders and vendors in turn use gold to buy supplies from ship captains or packers who carry goods to California.
Gold then left California aboard a ship or mule to go to manufacturers from all over the world. The second line is the Argonaut himself, who personally gets enough, sends gold back home, or returns home with their hard-earned "digs". For example, one estimate is that California gold worth US $ 80 million will be sent to France by French searchers and traders.
As the Gold Rush grows, local banks and gold dealers issue "paper money" or "drafts" - locally received currency - in exchange for gold, and personal candies create a personal gold coin. With the construction of the San Francisco Mint in 1854, gold bars were converted into official US gold coins for distribution. The gold was later sent by the California bank to a US national bank with a national paper currency exchange for use in the booming California economy.
Short-term effects
The arrival of hundreds of thousands of new people in California within a few years, compared with a population of about 15,000 Europeans and Californios before, has many dramatic effects.
A 2017 study links economic expansion throughout US history in a recession-free period from 1841 to 186 primarily to "an explosion in investment in transport goods following the discovery of gold in California."
Development of government and commerce
Gold Rush pushes California from the lonely and lesser known waters to the center of global imagination and the goal of hundreds of thousands of people. New immigrants often exhibit extraordinary precision and civilian thought. For example, in the midst of the Gold Rush, cities and towns are hired, state constitutional conventions are held, state constitutions written, elections held, and representatives sent to Washington, D.C. to negotiate California's acceptance as a state.
Large-scale farming ("California's second Gold Rush") begins during this time. Roads, schools, churches, and civil organizations quickly emerged. Most immigrants are Americans. The pressure grew for better communication and political connections throughout the United States, leading to the state of California on September 9, 1850, in Compromise 1850 as the 31st state of the United States.
Between 1847 and 1870, the population of San Francisco increased from 500 to 150,000. Gold Rush's wealth and population increase lead to significant transport increases between California and the East Coast. The Panamanian Railway, which covers the Panama islands, was completed in 1855. Steam vessels, including those of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, begin regular services from San Francisco to Panama, where passengers, goods and letters will catch a train across Genting and steamers to the East Coast. One ill-fated journey, namely S.S. Central America , ended in disaster when the ship sank in a typhoon off the coast of Carolina in 1857, with about three tons of California gold aboard.
Impact on Native Americans
The human and environmental costs of the Gold Rush are enormous. Native Americans, depending on traditional hunting, gathering and agriculture, are victims of hunger and disease, such as gravel, mud and toxic chemicals from fish search operations and destroyed habitats. The spike in the mining population also resulted in the loss of games and food gathering as gold camps and other settlements built in their midst. Then the farm spread to supply the settlers' camps, taking up more land than the Native Americans.
In some areas, systematic attacks against tribal members in or near the mining districts occur. Various conflicts occurred between indigenous peoples and settlers. Miners often see Native Americans as an obstacle to their mining activities. Ed Allen, the interpretative leader for the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park, reports that there are times when miners will kill up to 50 or more Natives in one day. The retaliatory attacks against single miners can result in larger scale attacks on indigenous peoples, sometimes tribes or villages not involved in genuine action. During the 1852 Bridge Gulch Massacre, a group of settlers attacked a group of Indian Wintu in response to the murder of a resident named J. R. Anderson. After his murder, the sheriff led a group of people to track down the Indians, who were then attacked by the men. Only three children survived the massacre against a group of Wintu different from the group that had killed Anderson.
Historian Benjamin Madley noted the number of murders of California Indians between 1846 and 1873 and estimates that during this period at least 9,400 to 16,000 California Indians were killed by non-Indians, mostly in more than 370 massacres (defined as "intentional killings of five or more unarmed combatants or non-combatants, including women, children and detainees, whether in combat or other contexts "). According to Russell Thornton's demographics, between 1849 and 1890, California's Indigenous population fell below 20,000 - primarily due to the killings. According to the California government, some 4,500 Native Americans suffered deaths from violence between 1849 and 1870. Furthermore, California stood as an opposition to ratify eighteen agreements signed between tribal leaders and federal agents in 1851.
The state government, supporting the activities of miners who fund and support death squads, by allocating more than $ 1 million to funding and operating paramilitary organizations. Peter Burnett, California's first governor, claimed that California was a battleground between races and that there were only two choices against Indian California, extermination or extermination. "That war of extermination will continue to be waged between two races until the Indian race becomes extinct, to be expected.While we can not anticipate the result with but the painful remorse, the inevitable destiny of the race is beyond the power and wisdom of men to avoid." , like many of his contemporaries, genocide is part of God's plan, and it is necessary for Burnett's constituents to move forward in California. The Indian Government and Protection Act, adopted on 22 April 1850 by the California Legislature, allowed settlers to apprehend and use indigenous people as bound workers, prohibit the indigenous community's testimony of the settlers, and permit the adoption of indigenous children by the settlers. , often for work purposes.
After the initial boom ended, explicitly anti-foreign and racist attacks, law and tax seizures sought to evict foreigners - not just Native Americans - from mines, mainly Chinese and Latin American immigrants mostly from Sonora, Mexico, and Chile.. The number of American immigrant casualties is also very severe: one in twelve twenty-nine people died, because the death and crime rates during the Gold Rush are unusually high, and the resulting vigilantism also took its toll.
Global economic stimulus
Gold Rush also pushes the economy around the world. Farmers in Chile, Australia, and Hawaii find huge new markets for their food; British manufactured goods are in great demand; clothing and even prefabricated homes arrived from China. The return of large amounts of California gold to pay for these goods raises prices and encourages investment and job creation around the world. Australian researcher Edward Hargraves, who notes the similarities between California's geography and his home country, returned to Australia to find gold and fueled Australia's gold rush. Before the Gold Rush, the United States was at bi-metallic standards, but a sudden increase in the supply of physical gold increased the relative value of physical silver and drove silver money out of circulation. An increase in gold supply also created a monetary supply shock.
In the years following the end of the Gold Rush, in 1863, the first groundbreaking ceremony for the western leg of the First Transcontinental Railroad was held in Sacramento. The channel's completion, about six years later, was partially financed with Gold Rush money, uniting California with the central and eastern United States. Trips that take weeks or even months can now be completed in a few days.
Long-term effects
The California name became unconnected with the Gold Rush, and quick success in the new world was known as the "California Dream." California is considered a new starting place, where great wealth can reward hard work and good luck. H. W. Brand historians note that in the years after the Gold Rush, California Dreams spread across the nation:
The old American dream... is the Puritan dream, from "Richard Richard" Benjamin Franklin...... from men and women who collect their luck little by little, year after year. The new dream is the dream of instant wealth, winning in an instant by courage and luck. [This] golden dream... became an important part of American soul just after Sutter's Mill .
Overnight California gained an international reputation as a "golden country". Immigrant generation attracted by California Dream. California farmers, oil drillers, filmmakers, aircraft makers, and dot-com entrepreneurs each have their boom period in the decades after the Gold Rush.
Included among the modern heritage of Gold Rush California is the motto of the state of California, "Eureka" ("I have found it"), a Gold Rush image on the California State Seal, and the state name, "The Golden State", as well as the place name , such as Placer County, Rough and Ready, Placerville (formerly "Dry Diggings" and then "Hangtown" during busy times), Whiskeytown, Drytown, Angels Camp, Happy Camp and Sawyers Bar. The San Francisco 49ers National Football League team, and an athletic team named California State University, Long Beach, are named for the prospectors of California Gold Rush.
In addition, a standard state-of-the-road road shield in California is in the form of a miner's shovel in honor of the California Gold Rush. Today, the precisely named State Route 49 travels through the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, connecting many of the Gold Rush era cities such as Placerville, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Coloma, Jackson, and Sonora. This state highway also passes the near Columbia State Historic Park, a protected area that includes the historic business district of Columbia; the park has preserved many of the Gold Rush era buildings, which are currently occupied by tourism-oriented businesses.
Cultural reference
The history of Gold Rush literature is reflected in the works of Mark Twain ( Calaveras County Frog Jumping Bear ), Bret Harte ( A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready ), Joaquin Miller (< i> Life Amongst the Modocs ), and many others.
See also
- Barbary Beach
- California Mining and Mineral Museum
- Gold in California
- Mercury contamination in California waterways
- Women in California Gold Rush
Further reading
External links
- California Gold Rush in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- California Gold Rush Chronology at San Francisco City Virtual Museum
- Gold on the United States Geological Survey website
- Gold Country Museum in Placer County, California
- "California as I Saw It:" First-Person Narratives from the Early Years of California, 1849-1900 Congress Library of the American Memory Project
- University of California, Berkeley, Bancroft Library
- The University of California, Calisphere, <1848-1865: The Era of Gold Fever
- California State Library, "California As We Saw It": Explore California Gold Rush , online exhibition
- Map of North America at California Gold Rush at
- Lewis B. Rush diary, gold mine miners' diary, MSS SC 161 at L. Tom Perry Special Collection, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University
Source of the article : Wikipedia